Don’t Blame the Mirror

Ashtanga Yoga Centre of Toronto Blog

There are some people out there who vehemently oppose Ashtanga, it’s method and postures. They do so for a variety of reasons, and this week on the blog I’m making the case that it has nothing to do with Ashtanga.

Check it out, and let us know what you think!

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The Power of Primary Series

Betty Cho

You may not know this, but the Primary series of Ashtanga Yoga is called “Yoga Chikitsa” in Sanskrit which means, “Yoga Therapy.” In this post we’re going to discuss why it’s so important to practice primary series correctly, under the guidance of a qualified teacher.

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Why The Fundamental Asanas Are So Important

David Robson Ashtanga Yoga Centre of Toronto

I’m not going to lie, for the first year or so of practice, I didn’t think much of the fundamental asanas.

To me, the standing sequence was just something I had to “get through” until the real practice started. I spent a lot of time rushing through it, and not really focusing on my alignment because, at the time, it seemed like just a warm-up.

Over time, I realized the importance of these postures, and the impact they can have on our practice. In this post I share the importance of the fundamental asanas, and how to improve!

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