Rediscovering My Daily Sadhana Postpartum

Maintaining my Sādhana postpartum has, and continues to be the most important thing I do for myself and my family. It is the one thing I have learned to unequivocally prioritize in my day. And truthfully, it is the one thing that is keeping me together in what is shaping up to be the hardest thing I’ve ever done – raise a tiny human.

In this article, I share more about how I maintain my practice with a new baby, and why it is incredibly important.

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My Journey Through Mental Health to Ashtanga – Chandler Bond

This week, the amazing Chandler Bond, a practitioner and AYCT has written a blog all about her journey to Ashtanga Yoga.

This is the story of how years of battling mental health led me to Ashtanga Yoga. Mental health is becoming more openly talked about, and through sharing my story I wish to help end the stigma. This story is raw. It is me at my most vulnerable. While some of the content may be intense, even triggering for some, but please know that I am always open to talk to anyone who needs help or has questions about anything.

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Why We Practice Asana

David Robson Ashtanga Yoga Centre of Toronto

Ashtanga is much more than just fancy asana. It’s not all handstands, and legs behind the head. It’s about connecting with your breath – learning to still the mind even in the most challenging of postures. After all, as David Robson says, asana without breath is just shitty gymnastics.

This week we’re uncovering why we actually practice asana in the first place, featuring a brand new video from our very own David Robson!

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Pregnancy and Practice: The Paradigm Shift

Melissa Singh Pregnant Yoga

A pregnant woman, a midwife and an Ashtanga teacher walk into a film studio…

There’s no punchline, that’s just how this video got started.

If you’ve been following our blog since the beginning, you may be familiar with our very first article on pregnancy. Well, this conversation goes far beyond that.

I sat down with David Robson and Safire Naranjo to have an in-depth discussion about all things pregnancy and practice. And what started out as a project to discuss the idea’s around a safe pregnant practice, turned into something much more profound.

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The Best Teachers Are Not Perfect

Teachers at Ashtanga Yoga Centre of Toronto

Your teacher probably isn’t perfect. Don’t get me wrong, it takes a special kind of person to teach this practice. To have the wherewithal to do the inner work every day, to set an example for their students and to teach in the tradition of the lineage. While these special people do their best to be decent practitioners and human beings, we need not forget they are just that – human.

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