Why The Fundamental Asanas Are So Important

David Robson Ashtanga Yoga Centre of Toronto

I’m not going to lie, for the first year or so of practice, I didn’t think much of the fundamental asanas.

To me, the standing sequence was just something I had to “get through” until the real practice started. I spent a lot of time rushing through it, and not really focusing on my alignment because, at the time, it seemed like just a warm-up.

Over time, I realized the importance of these postures, and the impact they can have on our practice. In this post I share the importance of the fundamental asanas, and how to improve!

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Why Ashtangis Take Rest on Moon Days

Have you ever wondered why we take rest on Moon days in the Ashtanga Lineage? Maybe up until now you’ve just LOVED having an extra rest day during the week, but did you know there is an energetic reason that we take rest? In this blog we’re sharing why we take rest on moon days. Check it out!

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How to Make Meditation a Part of Your Sadhana

Something that’s come up a lot around our Shala lately is the theme of meditation. Many practitioners have shared their desire to learn how to meditate, but have no idea where to start, or feel that it’s way too difficult.

This week we’re bringing you three simple tips on how to begin a meditation practice in addition to your asana practice. It’s way simpler than you might think!

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